In this page, you will learn all about setting up verification.
Automatic verification
With automatic verification, anyone who joins the server will immediately be verified without having to run the command if they are previously verified with Bloxlink or RoVer.
Set it up with our slash command /verification autoverification:True
Verified role
You can give people a basic role(s) when they verify (like "Verified"), you are able to set up multiple roles at once if you wish.
Set it up with our slash command /verification verifiedrole:@role
You can remove a verified role by running the command and selecting the role again.
Nickname template
You can also set up a nickname template which will change the user's nickname in your server.
Set it up with our slash command /verification nicknametemplate:template
The roblox username of the user.
The roblox display name of the user.
The roblox ID of the user.
The rank of the user in your main group.
The rank ID of the user in your main group.
The Discord username of this user.
The Discord ID of this user.
The Discord username and tag of this user.
Last updated