Ranking center

The ranking center will automatically rank people for you after they buy a gamepass.


To implement the ranking center, download it from our downloads page.



It is important you keep the Script in ServerScriptStorage In order for it to properly work, you need to enable "Allow Third Party Teleports" in > Home > Game Settings > Security.


In ServerScriptStorageyou can find a configuration file, below you can find an example:

-- __     ___ _              
-- \ \   / (_) |__   ___ ____
--  \ \ / /| | '_ \ / _ \_  /
--   \ V / | | |_) |  __// / 
--    \_/  |_|_.__/ \___/___|

-- You are using Vibez ranking centre v1.2
-- Created by AnishMarapin & vdJacob (noob) with <3
-- Modified 2 years later by the one and only LearnCSharp

-- In this file you can edit all the settings on how the ranking centre should behave.
return {
	-- All messages it can display --
	SearchingMessage = 'Searching your inventory for gamepasses...'; -- Displays the message when searching.
	SuccessMessage = 'You were ranked sucessfully!'; -- Displays when a rank was sucessful
	LoadingMessage = 'Loading rank...';
	ErrorMessage = 'You do not own any gamepasses higher than the current rank you have.'; -- Displays when a user doesn't own any gamepases OR if the gamepass rank is lower than the rank the user currently has.
	NotInGroupKickMessage = 'Join the group first before trying to claim a rank.'; -- Is a kick message when the user is not in your group.
	-- Other settings --
	title = 'disable'; -- set it to 'disable' to disable, set it to anything else to enable. Displays a title with the text.
	-- Ranking Configuration --
	ApiKey = 'YOUR API KEY HERE'; -- Insert here your vibez ranking API key
	Ranks = {
			RankID = 5;
			GamePass = 8787681;
			RankID = 2;
			GamePass = 51844649;

-- 	Ranks = {
--		{
--			RankID = 0; -- Please here the ID the user needs to be ranked to upon purchasing the gamepass.
--			GamePass = 0; -- Place here the gamepassID.
--		};
--	}

Last updated