In this page, you will learn how to setup the welcomer.
Last updated
In this page, you will learn how to setup the welcomer.
Last updated
When someone joins/leaves your Discord server, the bot will send a message of your choice into a channel!
The welcomer command has a join and leave option.
To enable(true)/disable(false) this command, run /welcomer join enabled true|false
To choose the channel, run /welcomer join channel <#channel>
To customize the message, run /welcomer join message <message>
In the table there are variables and their descriptions which you are able to use in your welcomer message.
Shows the username of the member who joined/left. (Jacob.)
Shows the username and tag of the member who joined/left. (Jacob.#0001)
Shows the ID of the member who joined/left. (514350060515885058)
Mentions the user who joined/left. (@Jacob.#0001)
Show your server name in the message.
Shows the amount of people in your server currently.